General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 503-479-4795
Address:12521 Marion Road Southeast, Turner, OR 97392




Business Summary
Meet Kevin & Gloria, the seasoned owners of Junk911. With over 40 years in the service industry, they know a thing or two about delivering exceptional customer service. As a locally owned and operated company, Junk911 takes pride in their personalized approach to every project. They listen to your needs, grasp your goals, and apply their expertise to ensure your unique requirements are met. Unlike franchise companies, Junk911 guarantees competitive pricing without any hidden or overhead fees. This means you’ll receive top-notch service at an amazing price. Trust Kevin, Gloria, and their team to handle all your junk removal and hauling needs in Salem and surrounding areas. Contact them today and experience the Junk911 difference.
Business Keywords
Junk Removal
General Information
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