General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:9454 Wilshire Blvd. penthouse floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212




Business Summary
Welcome to Yerushalmi Law Firm, Led by David Yerushalmi, we are a compassionate team dedicated to personal injury cases, treating each client like family. Specializing in Auto Accidents, Slip and Fall Incidents, Uber/Lyft accidents, and Wrongful Death Claims, we strive to alleviate the burden of your legal challenges and have relationships to get you the best medical care. Our commitment is to your recovery, managing everything from trucking accidents to wrongful death cases, all on a no-win, no-fee basis. We understand the toll of accidents and focus on minimizing it, ensuring a smoother, more successful path to justice. Looking for a personal Injury attorney near me? Contact us for a free consultation.
Business Keywords
personal injury attorney, auto accident attorney, truck accident lawyer, uber accident attorney, lyft accident lawyer
General Information
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