General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 3367492151
Address:3475 Grandview Crossing Ln




Business Summary
Those who follow Jesus have a deeper understanding of God's creation, including their divinely assigned purpose for living. Every individual, regardless of community, country, or religion, must determine whether or not the one true God is deserving of their attention and loyalty. Despite the fact that everyone has a nature tainted by rebellion against God, God is always at work in each person's heart and mind, showing them that He loves them more than they can possibly understand and that it is in fact His goal for them to learn to return that love and willingly submit to His authority. When they do, they experience a spiritual new birth and join the Crown Jewel of His creation—His everlasting, close-knit family of righteous people.
Business Keywords
Dr. James B. Joseph Brother James In Jesus Service
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