General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:235 S. 85th St, Mesa, AZ 85208




Business Summary
Industrial Code Management LLC is serves all of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah for: Mechanical Inspection, Certified Welding Inspector, OSHA Safety, MSHA Safety, Site Quality Management, and Site Technical Advisors. Our staff has the experience in all disciplines of industrial code and documentation. The safety and industrial inspection teams have experience in refineries, power generation, solar thermal, geo-thermal, natural gas, co-gens, chemical plants, mining operations, and smelter plants. ICM handles all first, second and third party representation on behalf of the Owner, EPC, General Contractor, or Subcontractor. The team operates in safe, efficient manner, and train employees according to the site specific and current OSHA or MSHA regulations. Our quality team consists of experienced Certified Welding Inspection that have an extensive backgrounds in API, AWS, ASME, and AWWA codes. We have site manag
Business Keywords
AWS CWI, Industrial Inspection, OSHA Safety, Weld Inspection, Welding Inspection
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1067


Product & Services

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