General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 7864015244
Country: United States
Address:8585 Sunset Drive Suite 103A Miami, FL 33143


Medical Health Institute
"Medical Health Institute 8585 Sunset Drive Suite 103A Miami, FL 33314



Business Summary
The Medical Health Institute is an HRT Clinic with 2 locations in North Miami and South Miami. As a full service anti-aging clinic, The Medical Health Institute specializes in Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy. Not only are they treating low energy levels in men, but also erectile dysfunction and hair loss. Miami Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy also known as “HRT” and Testosterone Replacement Therapy is referred to as TRT. There are many new research studies that show that hypogonadal man (men with low testosterone) are at less of a risk of heart disease when on Testosterone Replacement Therapy Treatment protocols. Rather than the standard approach most doctors are taking towards your health, the doctors at our medical clinic treat the system as a whole looking for the underlying cause to your problems. When going through your HRT consultation, you will be receive a thorough blood work examination, conventional testing and testing specific to the Medical Health Insti
Business Keywords
hormone replacement therapy, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, iv therapy, ed treatment miami, hrt miami, hrt, trt, testosterone replacement therapy miami, trt miami, anti-aging clinics miami, peptide treatment miami, miami hormone replacement therapy, estrogen therapy miami, thyroid treatment, holistic health, alternative medicine
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1801


Product & Services

not complete


  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Miami

    Hormone Replacement Therapy Miami

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy Miami

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy Miami


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