General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 214-618-3160
Address:5300 Town and Country Blvd Suite 200, Frisco, TX 75034




Business Summary
Haiman Hogue is a Faith-Based Estate and Family Protection Planning and Elder Law Firm. Our law firm is designed on the foundational belief that we are “FAITHFULLY SERVING GOD, OUR CLIENTS, AND OUR COMMUNITY” in everything we do. The Lord gives us the clients He wants us to help and the income He wants us to make, so our focus is to use our unique God-given talents and abilities to help and serve others. Our attorneys and staff are actively involved in community outreach. In addition, we offer the public free educational events each year and are always willing to provide a guest speaker for professional organizations and civic groups.
Business Keywords
estate planning attorney near me, estate attorney near me, Estate planning attorney, Texas Elder Law attorney, Experienced elder law attorney, elder law firm near me, Texas estate planning attorneys, Frisco estate planning attorney, Frisco estate attorney, Frisco Elder Law attorney, Frisco elder law firm, estate planning attorney in Frisco, estate attorney in Frisco, Elder Law attorney in Frisco, elder law firm in Frisco
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 51


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