General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:11020 David Taylor Dr Ste 300 Charlotte, NC 28262




Business Summary
ChristianSteven Software is a company that provides business intelligence and automation solutions for various industries. The company offers products such as CRD, PBRS, and IntelliFront BI, which are designed to automate the delivery and execution of reports, queries, and tasks. For over 20 years the company has produced solutions for nearly 5000 clients in 47 countries. ChristianSteven aims to help customers save time, money, and resources by streamlining their workflows and enhancing their decision-making processes. The magic sauce is in its proprietary business process automation experience & know-how built right into its Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Report Distribution software.
Business Keywords
data analytics, business reporting, report scheduling, power bi automation
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
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Website Rank
- visit: 174


Product & Services

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