General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 2242448786
Address:3421 V?a Oporto M201, Newport Beach, CA




Business Summary
Givsum is a fundraising software designed to help organizations and individuals to make a meaningful impact on their communities. Our platform simplifies the entire fundraising process, right from managing donations and events to coordinating volunteers and tracking progress. With Givsum, you can effortlessly create fundraising campaigns tailored to your specific goals and needs. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to accept online donations securely, ensuring that every contribution directly supports your cause. Givsum's comprehensive event management tools take care of processes like ticket sales, registration to attendee communication and logistics. Givsum also simplifies volunteer management by providing a centralized hub for recruiting, organizing, and communicating with volunteers. Our platform makes it easy to coordinate schedules, track volunteer hours, and recognize the efforts of your dedicated supporters. What makes us different is our commitment to providing excep
Business Keywords
Fundraising Cause Fundraising Software Nonprofit
General Information
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Website Rank
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