General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 09497544000
Address:300 Spectrum Center Irvine Suite 400 Irvine, Ca 92618




Business Summary
GEX Search is a global recruitment agency that specialises in sourcing hand-picked IT talent for progressive organisations. Get in touch with our experts to amp your career story. Globally, recruitment businesses are looking for solutions that can enable them to manage the sudden inflow of work while keeping operating costs in check. “GEx – Offshore Recruitment Solution” provides staffing and recruitment agencies access to the extended team working dedicatedly for them. Be it nationally or internationally, tracing the path to recruitment success is our only mission. We at GExSearch understand the needs of every organisation and work towards fulfilling them to our best possible capability.
Business Keywords
executive search, talent augmentation, global staffing solutions, global staffing services, offshore recruitment services, specialist recruiters, global recruiters, offshore recruitment, offshore recruiters, global recruitment agency
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 91


Product & Services

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