General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 980-222-1665
Country: United States
State/Part: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address:Proexo LLC, 134 Pennsylvania Ave. Malvern, PA




Business Summary
Are You the Next Fitness Machine Technicians Franchise Owner? At Fitness Machine Technicians, we pride ourselves on offering aspiring business owners the opportunity to build their franchises quickly and efficiently so they can thrive in their new career paths. We are also committed to providing the best customer service around, making sure all our customers are satisfied with the work we do. Fitness Machine Technicians specializes in the maintenance and repair of equipment for commercial and home exercise facilities. FMT is committed to delivering the most reliable service/repair and preventive maintenance services. From initial diagnosis to completed repair, our turn-around time is second to none. Experience, knowledge, and responsibility are the cornerstones of our business. Our President and CEO have been in the fitness industry since 1984. He first owned and operated five exercise equipment retail stores that served both commercial and residential clients. If you are interested
Business Keywords
fitness franchise fitness equipment repair business fitness equipment franchise fitness franchise opportunities unique fitness business ideas
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 156


Product & Services

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