General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 212-686-0100
Address:330 West 38th Street, Suite 701 New York, New York 10018




Business Summary
Frank, Frank, Goldstein, and Nageris a debt collection service in New York, NY. It consists of a team of debt collection experts providing services to creditors with over 80 years of debt experience. The areas of practice for this debt collection firm include debt collection, debt defense, judgment enforcement, vacating default judgments, domestication of judgments, and handling of frozen accounts or assets. The expert attorneys that make up the team have individual expertise that makes them the best in the industry. With the firm's extensive experience and proven strategies, they help clients achieve their desired payment outcomes and improve the creditor's ROI. The consultation process is seamless and efficient and can be tailored to the unique circumstances of every client. Frank, Frank, Goldstein, and Nager can also help with legal debt collection processes including mediation on NY debt collection claims, arbitration, and NY debt collection litigation. Moreover, they also speciali
Business Keywords
New York debt collection, debt collection lawyer
General Information
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