General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 7036248389
Country: United States
Address:5801 Clifton Rd, Clifton, VA, United States, Virginia




Business Summary
Fernando Martinez has been a top instructor in the Northern Virginia area since 1997. His work as an instructor began with certification at the Nicklaus Academy. He worked two years with the Nicklaus Academy before transferring to Mid-Atlantic Golf in Alexandria. His most recent post was Director of Instruction at Top Golf. In the past seventeen years Fernando has given literally thousands of golf lessons. He has taught several club champions, a number of Juniors that went on to get golf scholarships and numerous students that went from high 90’s to low 70’s in an extremely short time frame. Fernando started playing golf at age 31 and turned PRO in seven years. He has developed extensive knowledge of the golf swing, club fitting and Biomechanics. He is Golf Fitness Certified and fully understands physical limitations in golf. The key factor that has helped Fernando achieve at a high level has been his study of Biomechanics and how to simplify the golf swing by removing all excess movin
Business Keywords
Golf, Golf Instructor,
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 190


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