
Anurag Agarwal
What is a Cataract? A cataract refers to the clouding of the eye's natural lens, typically caused by age-related changes as proteins in the lens begin to clump and accumulate. This cloudy lens prevents clear passage of light to the retina, leading to blurred or hazy vision, glare, difficulty seeing well at night, seeing double, or needing increased lighting while reading or doing detailed work. Cataracts are highly treatable with modern cataract surgery in which the cloudy, aging lens is removed using advanced phacoemulsification techniques and an artificial lens implant type of the patient's choice is inserted in its place. This artificial lens, or IOL, then assumes the light focusing function formerly served by the patient's clouded natural lens. IOL Types: Considerations for Selection With recent advancements in IOL designs and presbyopia-correcting options, patients enjoy more choices than ever based on their visual priorities. The four main IOL categories include: 1. Monofocal

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