General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 1300 088 937
Address: 77 Moorabool Street




Business Summary
Exxcomm Construction focuses on providing our clients with a fully-comprehensive building services including home renovations, kitchen and bathroom renovations in Geelong that take care of every need, whether big or small. We provide construction projects with a reliable network of specialists, and work collaboratively to provide our clients with timely results in construction, renovations, pools and swim spas in Geelong. No matter the size of a project, our teams are guided by years of project management expertise. We are a preferred choice when finding the right builders to work with in different construction projects and kitchen and bathroom renovations in Geelong. At Exxcomm, we are committed to delivering successful projects on time, and this begins with an effective understanding of the client requirements.
Business Keywords
construction projects, kitchen and bathroom renovations, Geelong
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 52


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Product & Services

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