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Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 09549158888
Address:????? ?????, 3 A, Jagatpura Rd, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017




Business Summary
Samin K. Sharma, MD, FACC, MSCAI, is a Distinguished Interventional Cardiologist for his excellence in the Medical field both in NY USA (Mount Sinai Hospital) and Jaipur India (EHCC hospital). A globally-renowned expert in Interventional Cardiology, Dr. Samin K. Sharma serves as the Director of Cardiovascular Clinical Institute and Senior Vice President of Operations and Quality at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. He additionally serves as the hospital's Director of Interventional Cardiology and President of the Mount Sinai Heart Network. Dr. Sharma is highly regarded for his ability to perform the highest number of complex coronary interventions (over 1600+ cases per year) in the U.S. with significant success rates.
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