General Information

Country: France (local time:)
Address:4 Av. Bergougnan, 63400 Chamalieres




Business Summary
I am a certified coach, specialized in supporting managers. I help managers succeed and flourish in their functions and missions by helping them to know themselves better and deploy their potential. I work particularly in the following areas: - Personal and professional development: secure a position or support your future talents. - Crisis management: in the event of failure to achieve objectives, conflict situations, increased turnover and psychosocial risks (RPS). - Change management: during reorganizations, mergers, or workforce reductions. - Mediation: resolution of individual and collective conflicts. - Preparation and training for recruitment interviews: to maximize the chances of success. - Support for salespeople: in addition to directors and managers, to optimize sales performance and develop sales skills. I am convinced that anyone can become an excellent manager, regardless of their personality.
Business Keywords
coaching near me, executive coaching, coach manager, coaching cadre, coaching dirigeant, coaching professionnel, coach clermont ferrand, coach professionnel
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 20


Product & Services

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