General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 01884 219327
Address:26 Par Drive, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 4FJ




Business Summary
Elite Resin Flooring Ltd are highly rated resin flooring contractors providing internal and external resin flooring solutions for clients with any type of residential, commercial and industrial surfacing project across the UK. We work with a range of clients in multiple sectors including but not limited to private homeowners, construction, schools and universities, healthcare and surgeries, retail and shopping centres, leisure and hospitality, industrial and manufacturing, commercial venues, food and beverage, carparks and more. If you are looking for a specialist resin flooring company then please get in touch with our team today to request a free quotation today!
Business Keywords
resin flooring contractors, resin flooring company, residential resin flooring, commercial resin flooring, industrial resin flooring
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 30


Product & Services

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