General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 304-803-7255
Address:3876 Grapevine Rd, Huntington West Virginia 25701




Business Summary
In Huntington WV homeowners and businesses alike can trust Elevated Industries LLC for all their roof repair needs. As an experienced roofing contractor we take great pride in delivering superior craftsmanship paired with unparalleled service. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and tools required to tackle a wide range of roofing issues efficiently and effectively. We prioritize safety and durability in every project we handle because we know how vital a sound roof is to your property's protection. No job is too complex for our capable hands whether it's weather damage repair or routine maintenance we approach each task with precision and professionalism. For those seeking peace of mind under their roofs there’s no better partner than Elevated Industries LLC. Our dedication to excellence ensures that when storm clouds gather you'll have confidence knowing your roof is up to the challenge.
Business Keywords
roof replacement roof repair roofing company commercial roofing company commercial roof replacement
General Information
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