General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 9493598242
Address:2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 481, Irvine, California, 92612, USA




Business Summary
In Irvine, California, Eldessouky Law provides exceptional legal representation for individuals navigating complex employment issues. Our experienced employment lawyers specialize in a range of services including wrongful termination advocacy, tackling employment discrimination cases, addressing sexual harassment concerns within the workplace environment, and standing up against workplace harassment injustices. Additionally, we adeptly handle wage and hour disputes along with retaliation complaints for clients who have been unfairly treated after asserting their rights. Clients facing challenges related to disability discrimination or those acting as whistleblowers can also find resolute support from our dedicated attorneys at Eldessouky Law. We pride ourselves on fostering an environment where clients feel empowered to fight back against unlawful employment practices with a trusted partner by their side every step of the way. Hours: Open24/7
Business Keywords
wrongful termination lawyer employment lawyer sexual harassment lawyer
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