General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 210-920-5119
Country: United States
Address:San Antonio, Texas 78108




Business Summary
Hello, there! My name is Tracy Melson… and I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. It’s probably 3 AM and you’re looking for some support because your baby isn’t sleeping and you are exhausted. I’ve been there….twice! I spent 3 years trying to get my daughter to sleep through the night. I’m still not sure how that happened! While being terribly exhausted from very little sleep due to my daughter’s poor sleep hygiene, I went to school and earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State University. 2 Weeks before graduating, I found out I was pregnant with my son. No time to sleep for this mama! When my son was born, I was hoping for a great sleeper. What I got was a great nurse who wanted to nurse constantly. After 10 months of no sleep with my son, I decided to get help! I couldn’t wait three more years. I’m telling you all of this because I know you don’t want to trust your baby’s sleep or your sleep to just anyone. You want someone who unders
Business Keywords
Toddler Sleep Services, Claire, Susan, Brittney, Sick Kiddos & Sleep, Talking to Daycares - Advocating for Your Child’s Sleep, Common Sleep Mistakes Parents Make, Attachment & Sleep Training, Back-to-School: Sleep Edition, Navigating Other’s Opinions on Your Decision to Sleep Train, Snoring Babies: Cute or Concerning, Melatonin…Should I give It to My Child, Sleep Association: Nursing to Sleep, 3 Things That Happen When Your Baby Sleeps, Nightmares and Night Terrors, A New Perspective, Adjusting for Daylight Saving, Improving Toddler Bedtime Stalling, Screen Time Before Bed
General Information
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Website Rank
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