Information, resources and publications for professionals in the field of childhood Developmental Disorders (including AD/HD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia)
ips, information, add, attention deficit disorder, attention problems, ad/hd, adhd, autism, autistic spectrum disorders, differential diagnosis, dyslexia, dyslexic, dyscalculia, reading problems, dyspraxia, hyperactivity, hyperkinetic disorder, specific learning disability, speech and language disorders, summer school, switzerland, uk, europe, senco training, learning support, resources, educational, assessment, international, advice, medical, medication, psychological, psychology, psychiatric, devdis, professionals, asperger, asperger''s syndrome, publications, online ordering, developmental disorders, childhood developmental disorders, books on disorders, information resources, icd 10, icd10, dsm4, dsm 4, diet, ritalin, methyphenidate, nice report, conners, cpt, continuous performance test,