General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 3522344187
Address:5415 NW 3rd St, Ocala, FL 34482




Business Summary
Here at Desie’s Place we help you navigate the challenges that seem so large. Infact, we are the ears that you need to listen carefully to your challenges . Most of all, we meet you where you are at with unconditional positive regard to your specific challenge. Moreover, we implement a gamete of treatment modalities to fit your specific need: 1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy CBT. 2. Solution Focus Therapy. 3.Trauma Focus Therapy to name a few. We take you from maladaptive ways of coping to adaptive, through evidence based treatment modalities. You don’t have to go it alone! Let us help you find a way through it all. Come let us help you restore your beautiful inner self, vested with confidence and positive mindset to achieve your dreams
Business Keywords
Mental Health Service
General Information
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Website Rank
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