General Information

Country: New Zealand (local time:)
Phone: 0220745998
Address:Auckland 0600




Business Summary
Custom decking & fencing specialists. We provide a wide range of services for fences, decks, and landscaping projects of all sizes. Our expertise includes building privacy fences, picket fences, aluminum fences, and other styles you may need. We also design and construct both freestanding and attached decks with various handrail options. All our decks and fences comply with the New Zealand building code. In addition to fences and decks, we offer tile installation, wall construction, masonry finishing, sidewalk pouring, and more. We focus on using quality materials to ensure our products and services are durable and low maintenance, meeting your outdoor project needs effectively.
Business Keywords
Decking, fencing, deck builder, fence builder, landscaper, builder, landscaping, deck construction
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 41


Product & Services

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