General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 800-639-4316
Country: United States
State/Part: Florida
City: Lakeland
Address:3800 Progress Blvd, Mt Dora




Business Summary
At Data Graphics Inc., we don’t believe great printing takes place by accident. It’s the product of a strong team, good materials and the best industrial printing facility. We eliminate anything that gets in the way of your order, like disorganization, messes or broken equipment. Our well-organized, 25,000-square-foot production facility also allows us to deliver prompt service that gets you your order faster. In fact, we complete 60% of our orders ahead of schedule. As our sales demand increases, we continually look for ways to improve our printing services, and that includes upgrades to our facilities. In 2013, we underwent a major $1 million renovation that gave us the space and equipment to ramp up our production and meet more order needs faster. Wondering what our completely renovated production facility looks like? Reach out to us for a tour.
Business Keywords
Custom Label Printer, Screen Printer, Digital Printer, Commercial Printer, and Embroidery Shop
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 15


Product & Services

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