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Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8528172 1033
Country: United States
Address:Alameda Dr. Carlos D'Assumpcao No.336, Centro Comercial Cheng Feng 17 andar P, Macau




Business Summary
EVALUATING AND RATING THE CRYPTO MARKET SINCE 2015. We aim at improving accessibility, raising execution and transparency standards of the cryptocurrencies’ market. - Offer a unique elaborate rating to find and feature Crypto Industry Leaders. - Encourage key market participants to endeavor for best performance thus stimulating global competitiveness. - Give recognition to the cryptocurrencies’ market tops and thus indicate the anchor ICOs, Cryptos, Brokers and Exchanges. ABOUT CRYPTO RATING Crypto Rating is a rating agency based in Hong Kong, a city with a fast-developing cryptocurrency ecosystem. We have evaluated and rated various businesses and financial practices since 2006 and have now accepted a challenge to step in an exciting and flourishing world of crypto investing. We have adjusted our assessment methods to make the rating as transparent and open as possible. We believe with your active involvement we can make the crypto currency market even more investor-attractive! We alw
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