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Country: United States (local time:)
Address:7095 Indiana Ave STE 200, Riverside, CA 92506




Business Summary
Riverside Criminal Defense Attorney John L. Michels. If you are being investigated for a crime or been charged with a criminal offense, it is critical to retain a knowledgeable and experienced Criminal Defense Attorney immediately. John L. Michels is one of the Inland Empire’s most respected and accomplished attorneys with a proven record of success. He is an award-winning advocate who has been aggressively fighting for his clients and winning cases for over twenty-five years. Having The Right Criminal Defense Lawyer Makes All The Difference in Riverside County California. Call for your consultation today.
Business Keywords
Riverside Criminal Defense Attorney, Riverside Domestic Violence Defense Attorney, Riverside Felony Criminal Defense Attorney, Riverside Misdemeanor Defense Attorney, Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Riverside County
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