
The Rise of Engagement Banking and How it Wins Customers According to a recent study by Accenture, 79% of consumers consider their banking relationship to be merely transactional. Consumers today expect more than just basic transactional efficiency from their banks. Remember when your bank was just a place to deposit your cash? Now, it feels like everyone's got an app, promising the latest features. But with all this competition, how do banks stand out? The answer: Engagement Banking. Engagement Banking is a customer-centric approach that prioritises building deeper relationships through proactive interaction and hyper-personalised solutions. It leverages technology to understand individual financial needs fostering a sense of partnership between the bank and its customers. "Imagine a bank that does more than just keep your money safe. A bank that anticipates your needs, celebrates your financial milestones, and is more like a supportive partner on your path to financial wellness.”

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