General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: +61418712211
Address:2/1 Ball Pl, East Wagga Wagga NSW 2650




Business Summary
Many people try to stand out from their neighbours, friends and competitors. This was one of the main driving factors for Craig Absolum, Managing Director of Crave Designs, when establishing the business in 2002 in Wagga Wagga, a large regional centre of NSW (easily accessible from Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra).Crave Designs’ dedication to quality was quickly recognised and with our passion and excellence in craftsmanship we not only impressed our customers but our designs became a talking point, becoming highly sought after with various clientele including landscapers, builders, renovators, large corporate companies and the homeowner wanting one or more of our original Australian made designs.However our markets are in no way limited to these specialists as our features can be seen throughout Australia in locations such as Gymnasiums, Clubs, Businesses, Schools and backyards.
Business Keywords
Acrylic Water Features, Bowl Water Features, Column Water Features, Glass Water Features, Mirrorwall Water Features, Outdoor Water Feature, Patterned Features, Powder-Coated Water Features
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 93


Product & Services

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