General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 1800-202-6900
Address:Corporate Office Plot No. 15 & 16 - C, Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122022




Business Summary
Our expertise lies in safeguarding the interest & reputation of our esteemed Medical Fraternity with our revolutionary product- Doctors Professional Indemnity Insurance. Given the complex & high-stakes nature of healthcare operations, doctors are certainly exposed to medical negligence risks at all times. It is very important to protect your high-responsibility profession with a Professional Indemnity Cover that will act as a safety net against any malpractice claim. Our Professional Indemnity is best suited for all your medical practice requirements. CoverYou’s Customised Professional Indemnity Insurance will not only safeguard your finances but also your hard earned reputation. We provide customised benefits exclusively tailored to meet the needs of Doctors & Hospitals. Our Professional Indemnity is guaranteed to provide comprehensive medical negligence coverage with an expert lawyer panel & renowned senior doctors present all across India. We are known to offer handheld support
Business Keywords
Professional Indemnity Insurance
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