General Information

Country: United States (local time:)




Business Summary
CITIZEN Version 2.1 is an initiative focused on enhancing the American democracy by empowering citizens with direct participation in national policy decision-making. Advocating for a reformed democratic process, it proposes the establishment of the Citizenry as the fourth branch of government. The platform offers insights into political reform, encourages civic engagement, and provides resources for understanding and participating in the democratic process, including a series of novels titled "The Democracy Saga.
Business Keywords
Participatory governance, Community engagement projects, Accountability in governance, Building civic capacity, Civic engagement strategies, Good governance practices, Government transformation, Grassroots involvement, Political innovation, Political restructuring, Accountability in public office, Citizen-led initiatives, Civic engagement platforms, Decentralized decision-making, Effective decision-making processes, Evidence-based policy-making, Policy reform advocacy, political reform initiatives, reforming political systems, progressive political changes, modernizing political processes, legislative reform efforts, structural political changes, enhancing democratic values, democratic principles advancement, democracy building strategies, empowering democratic institutions, democratic development programs, democracy strengthening initiatives, fostering democratic culture, promoting democratic ideals, advancing participatory democracy, active citizen involvement, empowered citizenry, i
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 13


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Product & Services

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