General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 0414 980 644
Address:92 Platt St Waratah West NSW 2298




Business Summary
Chad Dunn is a Licensed buyers agent working under the "AcquiredHQ" Buyer Agent brand, looking after the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley areas. He is highly respected and widely experienced in regional property with established links in the property sector.With 25 years of experience in property, Chad made the decision to work more closely with buyers, helping them navigate competitive markets and find amazing properties that match their ideal criteria.The property market demands a diverse skill set, with Chad offering local knowledge, industry connections, and superior negotiation skills, provided in full confidentiality.Save Time - Save Money - Stay Anonymous!
Business Keywords
buyers agent, buyers agent newcastle, buyers agent port stephens
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 32


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