General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:2578 Broadway #626 New York, NY 10025




Business Summary
Captus Technologies is a leading Software and Web Development Company in India. Our highly skilled dedicated coders build high-performance software and Web applications using latest technologies. We produce powerful and high-end digital solutions at competitive prices as per our client requirements and budget. Over years of IT industry experience, we have successfully tailored and deployed 1100+ projects since 2012 across the globe. As Top Software Developers in the USA, our coders work dedicatedly to all the projects and offer high-quality and powerful digital solutions. We are using the latest technologies and tools to accelerate our clients' business around the globe. Why Captus Technologies? Leading Offshore Software and web Development Company 12 years of Experience in IT Outsourcing Services Top-Notch Development Center and Highly Experienced Developers Up to date with the latest tools and technologies 99% Clients Retention Rate 97% of projects delivered on time
Business Keywords
Software Development Company, Agile Software Development Company, Web Development Company, Mobile App Development Company
General Information
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Website Rank
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