General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:4950 NW 72nd Ave,Miami, FL 33166




Business Summary
Blueline Equipment Sales Corp. was formed in 2004 as a shipping container company specializing in sales and leasing to the local and international markets. BLE has maintained this initial emphasis and has built upon this specialty by selling used containers, leasing/purchasing container equipment, developing on-site storage for local construction and retail customers, and designing and building specialty modules for the industry. BLE continues to service this market area and now provides service in, Atlanta, Baltimore, Charleston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Louisville, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, Mobile, New Orleans, New York, Norfolk, Omaha, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Savannah, and St.Louis. We also service throughout Canada, and our main office is in Miami, Florida. BLE is conveniently located in Miami, FL. 12 miles from the Port of Miami ready to fulfill the needs of our various custom
Business Keywords
Container supplier, blue line containers, containers Miami, blueline corp, 40 ft conex for sale, blueline corp
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
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