General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 6172250700
Country: United States
State/Part: Masachusetts
City: Cambridge
Address:129 Franklin Street, Cambridge, MA 02139




Business Summary
Blink High End offers the highest quality stereo systems that provide our clients with the truest sound and most realistic musical experience.Our business model is built upon a foundation of trust and personal relationships with our clients. Our team is composed of a knowledgeable staff, including experienced audio and recording engineers that share our clients’ passion for high-end audio. Blink High End offers an upscale and comfortable environment for extended auditions, many of our clients fly in from all over the country to experience our stellar selection of high performance products and audio solutions. Our highly select brands are carefully chosen and composed of technology that we believe in, trust, and use every day.
Business Keywords
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 8


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Product & Services

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