General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 212-245-6893
Address:233 Broadway #2750, New York, NY 10279




Business Summary
If you are looking for primary care services in New York, NY, visit Avant Medical Group. Our dedicated clinicians and medical staff offer a wide range of services including primary care, pain management, annual physicals, IV hydration, lab testing, diabetes treatment and much more. Avant Medical Group has experienced doctors who provide medical and healthcare services to children and adults. If you are in need of a primary care doctor, come to Avant Medical Group today. We are currently accepting new patients. To book an appointment with our primary care physician, call our office today or visit our clinic.
Business Keywords
Primary Care, Annual Physical, Diabetes Management, Chronic Medical Care, Hypertension, Specialist, EKG, Acute Injuries, Allergic Reactions, Anemia Testing, Screening Colonoscopy, Fertility Consults Referrals, GI Issues, Heart Disorders
General Information
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Website Rank
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