General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 1300 651 256
Address:16 Harding St Coburg Victoria 3058 Australia




Business Summary
At Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg, we believe that every patient should have treatment in their own language. We're right here for you no matter exactly how big or small your discomfort is and have a diverse series of experience to take care of various sorts of injuries. At our Coburg physio clinic (and many more throughout Melbourne), all patients are given assistance for all your physiotherapy needs consisting of education and suggestions, hands-on mobilisation and manual manipulation, massage and stretching, tailored workout programs, balance and coordination retraining, and strength and conditioning. No matter how big or small the injury, we have the knowledge to manage a diverse range of discomfort problems.
Business Keywords
Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg, Physiotherapy Coburg, Physiotherapist Coburg, Exercise Therapy, Exercise Therapist Melbourne, Podiatry Melbourne, Podiatrist, Orthotics, Hip Physiotherapy Clinic Melbourne, Hip Physiotherapist, Myotherapy Melbourne, Myotherapist, physio Coburg, Coburg physiotherapy, physiotherapist Coburg, sports physio Coburg
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 65


Product & Services

not complete


  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

  • Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

    Australian Sports Physiotherapy Coburg

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