General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 7058757432
Address:336 Mark St Peterborough, ON K9H 1V6




Business Summary
Electrical work in Peterborough shouldn't be shocking, either from a price or performance perspective. At Atom Electric , our experienced electricians are top shelf and our services such as new installations, inspections, and lighting are all affordably priced. With a history of providing quality electrical solutions in Peterborough, Atom Electric is well known as the firm to call when you want the job done right, whether it’s a new installation, troubleshooting, or simply professional advice. In everything we do, Atom Electric aims for complete client satisfaction. Whether it’s a small retail lighting installation or a full home rewiring job, we bring the same care and attention to detail that’s made us a household name in Peterborough.. Dial 705-875-7432 to schedule your local visit.
Business Keywords
Residential Electrician in Peterborough, Residential Electrician in Apsley, Residential Electrician in Lindsay
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 68


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