Atmaanaan is a Dubai Based Inner Wellness Centre -Programs include Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching and Executive coaching. Born out of real-life experiences, backed by modern quantum science and nurtured by traditional Eastern philosophies, the programmes at Atmaanaan are run by Anita Raina, who is a certified coach and is on a mission to support people connect deeply with their inner selves. The key to unlocking an extraordinary life has nothing to do with anything outside. It is an inside job. Did you know that an average human has around 70,000 thoughts a day, and 90% of them are the same thoughts we entertained the day before? The same thoughts lead to the same choices, behaviour and hence we manifest the exact same experiences.
Hypnosis for weight loss,
life coach,
relationship coach,
executive coach,
Rapid Transformational Therapy,
Neuro Linguistic Programming,
Time Paradigm Technique,