
Creative product photography of waterproof storage boxes This post is about a recent creative product photography shoot for a client who I normally complete clearcut product work for of his storage boxes. He called and asked if I was able to create some interesting product photography, initially I was kind of insulted! What did he mean?, didn’t he find the work I did for him interesting? But after talking for a while I was able to work out that he needed an image which had attention grabbing potential, and that illustrated the fact his new storage box range was waterproof. We talked for a while and afterwards I had a good idea of what he had in his mind image wise, I ran an idea which I had past him, and gave him a price estimate on the work in an email later that day. He was initially a little shocked by the costing I gave him as he is used to standard clearcut product images and not more time intensive creative product imagery such as this image. After explaining the process that

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