General Information

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Business Summary
A center funded by NSF that provides support to community and technical colleges to develop and encourage optics, laser, and photonics education. OP-TEC is a consortium of two-year colleges, high schools, universities, national laboratories, industry partners, and professional societies funded by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The participating entities of OP-TEC have joined forces to create secondary-to-postsecondary as well as returning adult “pipelines” of highly qualified and strongly motivated students and to empower two-year colleges to prepare technicians in optics and photonics.
Business Keywords
optec, op-tec, OPTEC, OP-TEC, center, NSF, NSF center, photon, photons, photonics, photonic, integrated photonics, optics, optic, optical, laser, lasers, education, teach, learn, teaching, learning, development, career, careers, students, student, alumni, develop, developing, curricula, curriculum, photonics curriculum, laser curriculum, optics curriculum, book, books, textbook, textbooks, ebook, etextbook, ebooks, etextbooks, text, texts, catalog, program, programs, courses, course, online, faculty, instructor, instructors, teachers, teacher, college, colleges, technical, 2-year, 2, year, school, schools, high, high school, high schools, technican, technicans, tech, technology, light, lights, LED, emitting, diode, emission, stimulated, STEM, science, sciences, technology, technologies, engineering, engineer, math, mathematic, mathematics, formula, formulas, expressions, material, materials, planning, planning guide, planning guides, program planning, equipment, lens, lenses, goggles,
General Information
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not complete
Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 933


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