General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 866-392-4483
Address:napa, california, united states




Business Summary
At Donate for Charity, we manage vehicle donation programs for hundreds of non profits, which enables donors to make a significant contribution to their favorite charity. Our nationwide car donation program maximizes both the size of your charity contribution and the amount of your tax deduction. We achieve both goals by consistently providing the nation’s best charity payment percentage plan and negotiating the highest possible car sale prices. Our complete car donation program solution and total dedication to customer service ensure the best posible experience for both our nonprofit clients and their donors. Honest. Transparent. We care about your donation experience.
Business Keywords
donate car donate vehicle charity and donation donate your car to charity donate vehicle to charity car donations for charity car for kids donate a car
General Information
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not complete
Year established:
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Website Rank
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