
General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Country: United States
State/Part: California
City: Los angeles
Address:10660 Wilshire Blvd




Business Summary
William Emmerson is a British designer, sculptor, and innovator who blends vintage and modern styles using new technology. He started his company, Emmerson Troop, in Los Angeles in 1997, creating unique furniture and interior designs. His work is known for its warmth and practicality, appealing to both commercial and residential clients. Growing up in London, William was inspired by his father, who carved wooden sculptures. After moving to Los Angeles, he spent eight years directing art for films and videos, and four years working with master craftsmen to build furniture and cabinetry. In 1997, he opened his first store, Emmerson Troop, which became popular among modern and vintage collectors. He has completed numerous interior design and renovation projects, including his own Robert Byrd house and an apartment in the historic El Royal building. His designs have been featured in publications like the New York Times and Variety.
Business Keywords
William Emmerson, Interior Design
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 5


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