General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 7607777777
Address:At Walter Clark Legal Group, our Rancho Mirage personal injury attorneys represent individuals who have been injured due to another party’s negligence and help them recover compensation for their injuries. WCLG's legal team is led by attorney Walter Clark. Mr. Clark has handled more than 100 jury trials to completion. His experience places him among the few to be recognized and honored by several board certifications. We are a team of well-qualified attorneys who handle injury claims, including




Business Summary
At Walter Clark Legal Group, our Rancho Mirage personal injury attorneys represent individuals who have been injured due to another party’s negligence and help them recover compensation for their injuries. WCLG's legal team is led by attorney Walter Clark. Mr. Clark has handled more than 100 jury trials to completion. His experience places him among the few to be recognized and honored by several board certifications. We are a team of well-qualified attorneys who handle injury claims, including bicycle accidents, car accidents, construction accidents, defective products, dog bite injuries, drug injuries, drunk driving accidents, and more. Speak with us today to learn more about your legal situation.
Business Keywords
car accident lawyer, injury lawyer, motorcycle accident lawyer, personal injury lawyer
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