General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 907-456-8028
Country: United States
Address:59 College Rd Suite 209, Fairbanks, AK 99701




Business Summary
Serving the residents of Fairbanks, AK, Dr. Virginia Ramsey Lindof Virgina Ramsey Lind OD is a highly-trainedoptometrist who specializes in preventative eye care treatment. With nearly 30 years in the industry, Lind knows what it takes to satisfy and care for her patients, no matter their age. She also offers a wide range of glass frames to accommodate each patient's individual and unique style. Lindtreats several troublesome eye diseases, including glaucomaand astigmatism, as well as any anteriorsegment eye diseases. With her vast range of knowledge and expertise, Lind prides herself on giving only the best advice to her patients, including when it's time to see an ophthalmologist for surgery. While Lind does prescribe contact lenses for her several of her patients, the optometrist is known for carrying an extensive collection of on-trend glasses frames. Lind's primary focus is to make sure her patients have strong and healthy eyes, but she also wants them to feel beautiful and confid
Business Keywords
Eye Care, Eye Doctors, Optometrists
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 1075


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