Post Conviction Relief

Post Conviction Relief
You’ve finally done your time and paid back your debt to society, but the man is still trying to keep you down. Do you have an old conviction that is hindering your job search, custody dispute, immigration status, or holding you back in other ways? Now that you have served your sentence and you are trying to get your life back on track, it’s time to look at getting your old conviction(s) expunged.

We offer criminal defense, DUI defense, traffic defense and post conviction relief services where you can get your felony convictions reduced to misdemeanors (including Proposition 47), get misdemeanors dismissed and expunged from clients’ records, and file pardon petitions and certificates of rehabilitation.

We understand the long-term ramifications of criminal convictions and represent many “Lifers” – people with term-to-life (15-Life, 25-Life, etc.) sentences at their California Board of Parole Hearings parole suitability hearings. As an expert post conviction attorney, we help prepare the client for the hearing, including several visits to help the client understand the four pillars of parole suitability — responsibility, culpability, insight, and remorse. We also connect the client with resources in the community to shore up the his/her parole plans, including transition homes, 12-step programs, and job opportunities. And we work with family members and loved ones to help them write meaningful support letters that will actually be considered by the BPH panel.
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