General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:228 East 45th Street, Suite 9E New York, NY 10017




Business Summary
WideWidths by JJ FootwearWe understand that every woman is unique, and that includes you. Buying boots and shoes can be challenging simply because every foot and calf is different. As a fit specialist, Wide Widths by JJ Footwear offers you a solution. For over 40 years Wide Widths has been in the business of providing fashionable boots with wide shafts, for women with large calves. Now that we have joined forces with JJ Footwear, a Company who has been designing women’s footwear for over 100 years, we are finally able to extend our collection to include narrow, regular or wide shaft boots. Not only that, we now offer regular and wide fitting ankle boots, regular and wide fitting shoes, wide and extra wide fitting sneakers, and not forgetting our collection of wide calf wellies. All of our collections come with flexible, non-slip soles and removable insoles.
Business Keywords
Wide Calf Boots
General Information
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