There’s a lot of talk in the IT world today about OpEx vs CapEx.
Now more than ever, SMBs have options for treating IT hardware and software as either an operating expense or a capital expenditure.
They wonder which one is better among CapEx vs OpEx? And what drives this decision for a small business owner?
Let’s find out.
Understanding CapEx and OpEx
Historically, CapEx has meant “expenditures” rather than “expenses.” Think major purchases like property, plant, and equipment that are used over the long term. That’s because CapEx is not expensed; rather it is depreciated over its useful life. Often Capital Expenditures are financed externally through borrowing.
Operating Expenses, on the other hand, are day-to-day, ordinary, and customary expenses that keep the business operational, such as for utilities, rent, lease payments, and consumable items.
Also, OpEx is deductible for tax purposes.
So, where does IT spending fall?
IT is not always easy to classify, having elements