General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 404-228-8955
Country: United States
Address:8540 Executive Woods Dr. Ste 200 Office 105, Lincoln, NE 68516




Business Summary
If you're struggling with recurring pain or headaches, you might be experiencing referred paincaused by an irritated trigger point, which is a spot in the tissue surrounding and within the muscle. Trigger Point Myotherapy in Lincoln and Beatrice, NE, is dedicated to helping patients with pain management through trigger point release therapy. The company is led by Christine Beckman, who has 22 years of experience as a registered nurse and received her degree in massage therapy in 2006. Some signsyou might be suffering from pain caused by a trigger point include sensitive muscles, dull, aching or burning muscle pain, and numbness ormuscle weakness. Trigger Point Myotherapy uses a combination of pressure release and stretches to reduce or eliminate pain. The therapy program then retrains and lengthens muscles to prevent pain from returning. The team uses Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, which utilizes stretching and neuromuscular techniques to release trigger points and increase the pati
Business Keywords
Pain Management, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy
General Information
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Website Rank
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