General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 310-438-5555
Address: 1460 Westwood Blvd Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90024




Business Summary
Bibiyan Law Group, P.C. is a boutique plaintiff's employment litigation group committed to helping mistreated workers receive the best possible results. Bibiyan Law Group, P.C., a Los Angeles employment law firm, has defended workers across California in a range of employment law cases as advocates for workplace fairness. Since its founding, Bibiyan Law Group, P.C. has helped employees win millions of dollars in compensation for unpaid pay, fines, and emotional anguish via both individual and class lawsuits. In addition to covering the entirety of Los Angeles County, Bibiyan Law Group, P.C.'s representation of employees also extends to Northern California, Kern County, Ventura County, San Bernardino County, and the rest of the state of California.
Business Keywords
Age Discrimination Lawyer/Attorney, Best Employment Lawyer/Attorney, Discrimination Lawyer/Attorney, Employee Rights Lawyer/Attorney
General Information
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Website Rank
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