General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Country: United States
Address:2045 Rockbridge Road, Suite 205, Stone Mountain, GA 30087




Business Summary
"Millions of people experience chronic back pain, sometimes as a result of car accidents or trauma or other conditions. Sciatica, lower back pain and neck pain can be debilitating when experienced on a regular basis, and yet, help seems out of reach for some. However,The Miracle Of Massage is here to do just that. The Miracle of Massage Inc., located in Stone Mountain, GA, is headed by Brian Walters, a trained pain relief massage therapist. Along with fellow massage experts, he provides pain relief services that cater to the true needs of his clients and patients, not to the aspect of luxury that is so frequently associated with massage. A welcome and friendly environment, The Miracle of Massage opens their doors to the youngest and oldest of patients alike. Children and teens who suffer from migraines or sports injuries come to this healing facility in search of relief for their shoulder pain or back pain. Elderly patients make the journey to experience both pain relief and relaxat
Business Keywords
Massage Therapy, Pain Management, Sports Medicine
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 1332


Product & Services

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